When a couple first decide to separate, it is often the case that they are initially able to work out between them how possessions, finances and your business are to be divided up. And, more importantly, how their children are to be looked after. Unfortunately, as a divorce … [Read more...]
Affirmative Action Compliance in Job Descriptions: A How-To
In the business world, it’s important to ensure that all job descriptions comply with affirmative action laws. These laws are in place to ensure equal opportunity and prevent discrimination in the workplace. If you’re a business owner, manager, or decision-maker, it’s … [Read more...]
Does Lowering Speed Limits Save Lives?
We’ve heard it so many times: speeding kills. So, it stands to reason that lowering speed limits saves lives. Some argue the opposite; slower drivers cause more accidents. Which is true? And what is being done to reverse the sharp rise in traffic fatalities since the start of the … [Read more...]
How Employment Lawyers Can Help to Address Workplace Discrimination and Harassment
Workplace discrimination and harassment can prove a challenge, but employment lawyers are on hand to help deal with issues. Yan Krukau Discrimination and harassment in the workplace are serious issues that can have profound impacts on individuals and organisations alike. … [Read more...]
How To Start Your Own Law Firm: Startup Checklist
Image source-Pexels The idea of starting your own law firm can be both exhilarating and daunting. While having a law firm can provide the autonomy, control, and financial rewards you crave, it also comes with a considerable amount of responsibility, paperwork, and … [Read more...]
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