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Some road construction projects have to be carried out in a busy area with a continuous flow of heavy traffic. This can be due to reasons such as lack of nearby roads that can be used as a diversion. Working in such an environment is dangerous for workers because motorists can come speeding, leading to injuries and even death. Bus accidents are amongst the leading fatalities arising due to these conditions. You can click URL if you’ve been a victim of bus accidents, recently.
As the contractor in charge of a road construction project, it is your responsibility to prevent such accidents from happening. Here is what you can do to improve the safety of your road construction workers.
Use the Right Signs and Equipment
Construction signs are crucial if you want to improve the safety of the workers working on various sections of the road. There are many types of signs and equipment used during a project. They include arrow boards, variable message signs, portable traffic lights, and variable speed limit signs.
When positioned strategically, these signs and equipment can enhance the safety of road workers. They will create a perimeter while also warning drivers of construction works ahead to help make the right decisions.
For example, they can slow down at the required positions or take the diversion route provided. This then reduces the probability of motorists approaching the construction site at high speed, something that helps protects workers.
Most of the signs and equipment are expensive and can, therefore, affect your profit margin. But you can reduce the cost by choosing to hire road signs instead of buying new ones each time your company is awarded a project.
Providing Workers With the Right Personal Protective Gears
Your employees should always have the appropriate protective equipment whenever they are on duty. But what are these gears? They are high visibility clothing such as hats and vests made using highly reflective materials.
The safety gears are crucial when road works are carried out during the night. The highly reflective material makes workers more visible by motorists who then drive safely across the perimeter.
Assign People to Control Traffic
Controlling traffic in the area is another way to enhance the safety of workers on site. This should be done even if there are enough signs installed in the perimeter. Doing this will ensure there is a smooth flow of vehicles. This will then prevent accidents involving motorists and workers working in the given section.
The measure will be effective if you assign several people to control traffic. The chosen should not engage in any other construction work in the area. They must also be reliable individuals who are well-trained and able to focus for a long time.
In conclusion, the safety of road construction workers can be improved in three ways. First, ensure the right road signs are used along the perimeter. If you want to reduce cost, you can choose to hire road signs instead of buying. Second, as a contractor, you must ensure workers have the right personal protective gear. Third, assign people to control traffic in the area.
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