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If you are interested in finding a personal mentor life coach, there are several things you should do that we outline below.
First, find a person you want to be like. Do not just find a person who has a job you want. You should find a person like you who has a similar set of skills and strengths you want to imitate. Otherwise, you can just get frustrated trying to be someone you are not.
Spend plenty of time finding that right person. It is a smart idea to have more than one candidate in mind for mentorship before you make your choice.
Second, study the individual. Follow her blog. Get to know the people who know her. If you do not know her well, so if she is really like her public persona. Be sure you understand what her strengths and weaknesses are so you have realistic expectations.
Third, ask for an initial meeting. Ideally, this is something informal over coffee. And keep it well under an hour.
You should come to the meeting with questions. But allow the conversation to flow naturally. How formal the meeting is will depend on the communication style of your potential mentor. You should know what her style is before setting the meeting.
If you have doubts about asking for a meeting, if you have done your research, go ahead and ask. The worst you can get is a no.
Fourth, evaluate how the initial meeting went. How would you feel spending considerable time with this person? Did she start the meeting by being encouraging or by telling you want you should do? Did she ask you questions or wait for you to ask them?
Did you leave this first meeting feeling better? Did you feel you made a connection? If not, you should move on and try another mentor. You should not waste your time on someone you don’t click with well.
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Fifth, you need to follow up after the initial meeting. It is ok to look ambitious. You want her to know you mean business. It is fine to follow up with her soon after the meeting. Thank her for her time. The best way to do this is by email.
In that email, mention you would like to meet again and see if a mentoring relationship can be established.
These are the basic steps to find a personal mentor and if you follow them closely, you should experience success.
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