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With most workplaces now introducing long-term work from home strategy, it is more important than ever for employers to ensure that their staff is staying skilled and engaged. Investing in regular training and professional development will not only help members of staff feel valued and appreciated, but it will provide them with the right skills to help them be the best at their job which will, in turn, help drive the business forward.
Here, one of the UK’s leading providers of driver CPC training, Driver Hire Training, advises why it is important for businesses to implement regular training sessions in the workplace, and the impact it has on both employee wellbeing and the future of the business.
Relevant and receptive
Staying on top of training and upskilling is an effective way to ensure you are receptive and malleable as a business. Employees will inevitably face challenges and be presented with change on the job but having the right knowledge will help them to adapt effectively. Your employees will feel equipped to be able to make decisions confidently and with little supervision, which will in turn relieve strain from senior management.
Decreased turnover
In the UK, the average employee replacement cost is £30,0001. By investing time in training and development, individuals will feel valued and therefore an obligation to be more loyal. This will result in longer standing careers and less turnover. Aside from investment in manpower for training and induction processes, an employee departing from a business can also have a negative impact on client relations, culture and even revenue.
Advantage over competitors
No matter what sector you are operating in, your employees are your best assets, so you want to make sure you have the best in the business. As well as helping to keep hold of the talent you’ve already got, offering a thorough training and progression scheme will be attractive to prospective hires and may be the deciding factor between them choosing to work for you over a competitor.
Improved performance
Anyone that receives additional training in the workplace will inevitably be able to perform their job better. Whether it is physical training on the job, attending industry events or virtual webinars, having a stronger grasp of the work they are doing and understanding why they are doing it will make them work harder and more effectively. As well as improving their skill set, training may also improve an individual’s confidence as they have a stronger grasp of their roles and responsibilities which again, relieves day-to-day strain from line managers.
Collaborative environment
For businesses that are made up of various different departments, you should not isolate training within these departments as opening education up to the wider business will create a more collaborative environment. Upon doing this, you may be surprised who shows an interest in attending and learning a more about an area of the business they weren’t previously involved in. This collaborative attitude means everyone is aligned with the company’s wider business goals and hopefully feel driven in the right direction to help achieve this.
7 Strategies To Boost Team Collaboration in the Workplace
The future success of your business lies with your current team and it is inevitable that by improving your employee’s skills, they will be better at their job. Investing time and money into your workforce will not only improve their engagement and productivity, it will give them a clear path to progress and drive the business forward. This passion will help you stay ahead of the curve with competitors, offering the best service to customers and attracting the best talent for recruitment.
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