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This article has been written in collaboration with Enterprise and contains affiliate links, see disclosure policy
As the pandemic of COVID-19 is coming to an end, people are anxious to see what the ‘’new normal’’ means. Owing to the circumstances, many aspects of people’s lives will be immeasurably affected and changed forever. Adhering to certain measures and practices, such as social distancing will become an integral part of their lives. For many, going back to using public transportation when the lockdown is relaxed is not an option. This is why an increasing demand in modes of transportation allowing little or no contact with others is expected. Commuting to work by car is an option for some, but not for all. In this case, what other options for safe transport exist?
Long Term Car Hire
One of the more obvious alternatives to public transport is using a personal car. But not everyone owns a car. Buying a car means digging deep into one’s pockets. Given the on-going economic crisis, pay cuts, and job losses, this option goes out of the window for most people. For this reason, other alternatives, such as car rentals, deserve full attention.
Rent-a-car companies have been providing valuable services all around the world for decades now. However, they seem to have taken on new post-coronavirus significance. As more people shy away from using crowded public services, renting a car seems like a good idea.

Most companies offer car, truck, or van hire for shorter or longer periods. Short term car rental is great for running errands, going away for a weekend, and business, or road trips. On the other hand, for commuting to work, renting a car long term pays off in the long run. Longer trip, one-time assignment in another city, or getting by while the personal car is in maintenance and servicing — whatever the reasons are, long term car rental has got it covered.
For those who need a car at least for a month, this option is a great choice. Unlike short term rental, most vehicles don’t come with mileage limitations if rented long term. Also, with prearranged insurance and depreciation, if used sporadically, renting a car is more affordable than owning one.
Safety Measures
Before the coronavirus struck the world, clients of rental companies demanded clean and neat vehicles, among other things. Today, safety and cleanliness standards have significantly increased and become critical.
Now more than ever, strict standards of cleanliness and safety have to be enforced and sustained. Following recommendations from leading health organizations, companies have started practicing social distancing. In addition to limiting physical contact, clients no longer have to queue. Instead, they can contact the company online or by phone and make a reservation. Despite minimizing physical interaction, employees are fully available for everyone in need of their services.
Equally important is rigorously adhering to cleaning practices and protocols. Apart from the usual car vacuuming and general cleaning between rentals, additional scrupulous hygiene practices are followed. Using disinfectant for sanitization of more than 20 main areas in the car keeps it sterile. Similar protocols apply to shuttle busses. A limited number of passengers, social distancing, and disinfecting all surfaces are some of the measures implemented.
All of these preventative safety measures are taken to protect the clients and keep them safe while using car rental service.

On the whole, people still fear the coronavirus, so they desperately need alternatives to packed public transport. While some have their cars to use, others don’t. With the economic recession, for many people, investing in a brand-new vehicle isn’t an option. For this reason, they might consider renting a car long term for commuting to work. With strict sanitation, safety policies, and social distancing, drivers can feel safe in their rental cars.
This article has been written in collaboration with Enterprise and contains affiliate links, see disclosure policy
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