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There was a time when if you had a radio, phone, or conditioned it in your vehicle; you would be looked at as if you came from another planet.
Today, point technologies can do the work for you and our vehicles have never been so connected as they are now.
2020 is a new decade and it’s for this reason we are going to tell you about the new technologies to come that may literally revolutionize the automotive industry in the coming years. Below are our picks of the cars with the best technology.
Audi introduces AI and VR
Robotics and machine-human interactions are increasingly advanced. This is exactly what Audi offers us with its AI ME concept presented at CES 2020. The latter is literally capable of analyzing your mood and adjusting the temperature and music so as to increase your comfort.
This is artificial intelligence at its best and you can certainly expect to see this kind of technology hit the market in the next decade, which is both exciting and scary.
The experience of this concept from Audi goes even further since you can even put on virtual reality glasses and your vehicle can offer you a view of the mountains.
Mercedes-Benz Biometric recognition
Until recently, biometric recognition was something that was only seen in science fiction movies and that was reserved for the elite of society. Nonetheless, Mercedes-Benz has developed technology that is able to recognize you only by the beating of your heart, a system that could eventually replace your vehicle key.
It is in the Vision AVTR concept that the German manufacturer presented this new technology and the latter also benefits from batteries that have been designed from biological material.
Sony Vision S
Here, we are not talking about a single technology, but rather a set of technology so evolved and so advanced that the electronics manufacturer has decided to design its own car to present them. These include facial recognition and built-in speakers in each seat so you can listen to your own music independently from other passengers.
The Sony Vision S also offers a touch screen that is the width of the dashboard at the front and each rear passenger is also entitled to its own control panel.
Air conditioning with body recognition
In the past, just having air conditioning was considered a luxury and needless to say it was a very expensive option. Today some vehicles have all kinds of air conditioning gadgets, and the highest level of technology seems to be tri-zone automatic air conditioning.
Finally, when we say automatic we are obviously talking about the temperature preset to which you have contributed. Nevertheless, as we were able to find out at CES this year, the next level of technology in the segment will be so advanced that your vehicle will be able to analyze your body temperature to adjust the air conditioning.
Bosch and its smart glass
This system works much like the technology offered by McLaren except that the Bosch smart glass has a very different function.
The parts manufacturer offers us a transparent lens hood that is able to turn opaque in a specific location to eliminate glare on your eyes and thus allow you to see through them at once, which limits obstruction of vision.
This system works with a camera equipped with a facial recognition system that finds the position of your eyes and makes sure that your eyes are simply not dazzled by the sun.
Nissan and its acoustic equipment
Speaking of noise reduction, Nissan has the most effective equipment in this area. The Japanese manufacturer presented at CES 2020 an ultra-light and thin material that offers better soundproofing than much heavier and bulky materials.
The best part is that the Japanese manufacturer has promised that this new material will be affordable, which means that it could be found even in the least expensive car on the market.
Audio system without speakers
Sennheiser and Continental have teamed up to create technology that allows you to hear your favorite music in your vehicle without using a speaker. In fact, it is a material specially designed to create vibrations and sounds and it can compose the majority of a cabin.
So you get a truly enveloping sound experience, and it looks like this technology could also be used to cancel sounds from outside the vehicle more effectively. The 2 companies also touted the fact that their technology can radically change the interior design of vehicles since there is no need to create spaces for speakers.
Mclaren and electric glass
While McLaren is above all recognized for its spectacular performance cars, the British manufacturer is also behind some of the most impressive advanced technologies on the market.
This is particularly the case with its electro chromic glass, which can go from transparent to opaque in fractions of a second. It’s the kind of technology you’ve only found in state-of-the-art buildings so far, but it looks like it’s likely to be common in the auto market in a few years.
Fisker and its solar panels
While most manufacturers neglect this form of energy, Fisker sees solar energy as an asset in the advancement of electric vehicles. They are one of the only automakers to use solar panels in these vehicles.
However, with the release of its new SUV, everything could change and we can certainly expect your technology to be more widely available in the years to come.
Pivi is simply the new infotainment system from Land Rover, but what makes it particularly interesting for our topic of the day is because it is as versatile as a smartphone.
So you can download a ton of files like music and videos there. This system is also faster and more powerful than what the competition currently offers.
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